Crisis Management and Human Behavior. STCW, table A-V/2-2

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Scheduled course dates

Crisis Management

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Course standard:           

STCW Code, chapter V. Section A-VI2 and table A-V/2-2

Outlined in CFR 46, Ch. 1 subpart 171.01 171.105



1-day Classroom lectures (8 hrs.)            



Crisis Management is a one-day course split into both theory and practical demonstrations.  The course is mandatory for all masters, officers, ratings, as well as any other personnel having responsibility for safety of passengers in emergency situations shall have completed before they are assigned to shipboard duties.

The course will be conducted as a classroom course or by e-learning.


Course Prerequisites:    

Delegates must be over 18 years old.  He or She must produce a valid Doctors note to confirm they are in good health to participate in the course.  Completed STCW Crowd Management training.


What to bring:                

Document to identify the Delegate.