Personal Survival Techniques (PST). blended course, online and practical training.
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Scheduled course dates
Blended course with e-learning (online theory) and practical exercises at the training center. Both parts are mandatory for completion of the course. The dates are for the practical exercises/classroom theory. E-learning (online theory) will have to be completed before this date.
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Personal Survival Techniques (PST) as a blended course consist of a e-learning (online theory) module-and-a-half-day practical training module. including entering and operating a life raft. Use of life jackets and immersion suits.
By choosing to do the theory online in the form of a interactive web based course, the amount of time spent at the course center will be reduced. The online training will have to be completed before starting the practical exercises.
This course forms part of the mandatory Basic Safety Training for all seafaring personnel.
Delegates must be over 18 years old. He or She must produce a valid Doctors note to confirm they are in good health to participate in the course. Alternative a valid seafarer`s Medical Certificate.
What to bring:
Document to identify the Delegate.
For the practical exercises it can be advised to bring swim gear and towel. Soft shoes to wear at the pool.
Order process
Option 1: Practical training and classroom theory at the course center
Choose your desired date to do the course at the course center
Upon registering, enter the details of the attendee(s)
Choose "Theory online at the course center"
Fill in contact and payment details, and complete checkout
Attend the course at the chosen date
Option 2: Self-paced online theory and practical exercises at the course center
- Choose your resired date to do the practical exercises at the course center
Upon registering, enter the detials of the attendee(s)
Choose "Theory online at your own pace"
Fill in contact and payment details, and complete checkout
The attendee(s) will get access to our elearning portal at the moment the purchase is verified
Complete the online theory before attending the practical exercises
Show up at the course center in time for the practical exercises