Personal Survival Techniques, Revalidation (PST-R) STCW table A-VI/1-1

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Personal Survival Techniques, Revalidation PST-R

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Course standard:           

STCW, table A-VI/1-1


Alternative I:     One day theoretical and practical training (8 hrs.)

Alternative II:    E-learning for the theoretical part

                        ½ day practical exercises (4 hrs.)

Both alternatives are completed with a written exam.


Personal Survival Techniques (PST) is a one-day course split into both theory and practical’s, including entering and operating a life raft. Use of life jackets and immersion suits.
Included in the exercises are actions to be taken by persons for self-protection in emergency situations, survival at sea and deployment of safety equipment.

This course forms part of the mandatory Basic Safety Training for all seafaring personnel.

Course Prerequisites:    

Delegates must be over 18 years old.  He or She must produce a valid Doctors note to confirm they are in good health to participate in the course.  Alternative a valid seafarer`s Medical Certificate.

What to bring:                

Document to identify the Delegate.

For the practical exercises it can be advised to bring swim gear and towel. Soft shoes to wear at the pool.